We started in 2011 and from that time, every year we create unique events for women.Przedsiębiorcza Kobieta is part of Studenckie Forum Business Centre Club. Studenckie Forum attracts young people who want to achieve something in life, make a career and do something more than just study at university. We also cooperate with partners who support us in creating the event. Speakers are very important in the project, because it is they who provide all the substantive knowledge to our participants. Most of our ambassadors have been speakers at one of our events. With them we consult difficult decisions and in crisis situations we call for advice or help

Right now whole Poland, because we organize events online, but normally we are based in 13 biggest cities in Poland (Warszawa, Wrocław, Poznań, Trójmiasto, Olsztyn, Białystok…) where we make special evenings for women.
Studenckie Forum Business Centre Club
Stakeholders of the project
Przedsiębiorcza Kobieta is part of Studenckie Forum Business Centre Club. Studenckie Forum attracts young people who want to achieve something in life, make a career and do something more than just study at university. We also cooperate with partners who support us in creating the event. Speakers are very important in the project, because it is they who provide all the substantive knowledge to our participants. Most of our ambassadors have been speakers at one of our events. With them we consult difficult decisions and in crisis situations we call for advice or help
Not only women in their twenties and thirties, but also on our events sometimes show up mens who are interested in self-development.
We volunteer on the project, so for various events we try to raise money to make the event happen. We make this possible by finding a sponsor who has the same goal as us. Each edition has a different budget, so I am not able to give a specific amount.
Przedsiębiorcza Kobieta is a project aimed at women of all ages. We organize events for them in the largest cities in Poland. Currently, during the pandemic we operate online and organize Maratony online z Przedsiębiorczą Kobietą, several days in a row with inspiring and motivating lectures. There have already been 3 editions of these events, and we are currently preparing to organize another one.
Our main objective is to create possibilities for women to meet each other, make business contacts and exchange experiences. We want it to be in special places and with motivating speeches given by inspiring people.
Results achieved
We strengthened the brand and recognition of Przedsiębiorcza Kobieta. We also continued to create online events, so we created two more editions of Maraton online z PK and we added online regional events where we invited speakers from the regions hosting the event. As organizers, we learned fundraising, project management, and how to work effectively as a team.
The innovative aspect of the practice in our project is moving /changing from stationary event to online when the pandemic started. We were one of the few projects that adjust to new reality. We have big experience in working online, because before we cooperate via Internet from different cities in Poland. Very quickly we made a 6 day event for women, it was called “Maraton online z Przedsiębiorczą Kobietą”. And we still continue that. This year we made 3th edition of Maraton online.
We show women how to believe in themselves and that they are not inferior to men. We give them practical tips on how to achieve their goals and further develop themselves. Reach further stages in their careers, remembering to relax and look at themselves and their needs.