Today my diary says its March 8th. For the 46th consecutive time, the page of this day is also adorned by the phrase „International Women’s Day”. Among the various recognized international holidays, this one carries a special weight and importance. What does celebrating (or rather none) that she is -or feels- a woman means in 2020? Really, how was this institution established? What is the position of women today in the various societies around the world and what are the challenges that need to be addressed in terms of relations between the main sexes?
Celebrating the female sex means celebrating the fundamental rights that my gender enjoys like any human being, and that I do not forget the trials to which these rights have historically been subjected.
The gradual evolution of women’s rights is not accidental, but as in any case in human history it is the result of fermenting and maturing new concepts and practices, in order to ensure that new needs emerge from time to time. Apart from a few exceptions where we encounter matriarchal societies, which either date back to antiquity (Minoan culture, Amazons), or are found in some parts of the Far East (Indonesia, China), overwhelmingly the societies we know historically are based on the patriarchal model of organization. This model is of great importance for how the members of each society perceive the role that is written off within it for the woman,as well as the possibilities intended for her.
In Athens of classical antiquity the woman had certain rights only within her house, the principal of which was the man of the family, namely her father or husband. The last one was her guardian and the trustee of her estate. In the event of the loss of her father, the woman was obliged to marry in order to be a legal administrator of her father’s property in the absence of male descendants. In the Roman family again, the woman is under the authority of the Paterfamilias,the role of which is assumed by her father or husband, whether itis compulsory under the guardianship of her male relatives. e.g. in a commodity market, except in the name of the man who had the role of protector. This is because for many centuries the woman was not considered to have the necessary spiritual maturity to carry out legally binding acts, In contrast to the man, hence the establishment of the concept of „weak sex”. imperial throne.
The concept that he wanted women inextricably linked to child-bearing and domestic affairs – sometimes more closely and more widely, including agricultural work – remained deeply rooted in human intellect for a long time, until new needs led to the revision of established practices. Typical examples such as the lack of working hands during the industrial revolution, as well as in the years of the great and exhaustive wars in the Old Continent, due to the general conscription of the male population and the large number of deaths among the combatants, led to a rethink of women’s potential in the fields of employment and productivity. for the first time it entered the workplace in a systematic and massive manner, in particular that of the lessee, which was the prevailing model at the time.

So while the first steps in revising the position of women had taken place, a decisive impetus for the movement in favour of women’s rights was given at the beginning of the 20th century by the Socialist Movement. More specifically, the Us Socialist Party declared in February 1909 in New York the so-called „National Day of Women” in defence of the rights of women workers, which was the source of the inspiration of 1911the global institution that has now been established. first International Women’s Days. The main demands of the strikers and the demonstrators were the recognition of the women’s right to take up public office, as well as the fight against racial discrimination in the workplace. All these games were the forerunner of International Women’s Day, which was voted on and established internationally by the UN General Assembly only in 1975.
The institution of International Women’s Day is now of great importance, as it is synonymous with a stable and institutionalised effort to address the challenges that are jeopardising equality between men and women in the modern international Reality.
In countries with developing economies, but also in countries where they hold religions that do not provide an equal social role for men and women, racial inequality is a given and recommends a daily life. of the Muslim religion. With the swell of the refugee crisis in Europe and the condemnation of this practice by the United Nations General Assembly as early as 2012, a number of concerns are emerging about the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the various European countries to ban clitoralectomy on their territory. Especially in the case of Greece, it is characteristic that the relevant article of the Penal Code refers to „persuading a woman” to be subjected to this practice, which legitimately raises concerns, whether the legislator has understood the very specific characteristics of the method, which is imposed and usually on girls of very youngage. BBC the only professional perspective of the girl and woman is prostitution,in conditions of complete lawlessness, as witnessed UNESCOby τα 32 εκατομμύρια είναι κορίτσιαthe womenthemselves who have been interviewed. children and adolescents who do not participate in the respective tier remain girls. But apart from the poorest countries, and the developed economic and technological countries should not turn a blind eye to the fact that the most serious manifestations of racial inequalities have now disappeared on their territory. part of the housework. Also, according to statistics collected by UN Forbes Women, women worldwide are paid 23% less thanmen. The world’s leading women’s football teams amount to just 42.6 m euros. $100 million per year(!). At the same time, only 24% of Members worldwide are women, as are 31% of roles in films featuring lines, 21% of film producers and 26% of people employed in it and programming (UN Women). UN Women According to a survey of 541 Universities of countries organized by Western standards, only 23% of university professors are women..
We must admit that the woman does have to overcome additional obstacles intheworkplace, in relation to a man, in order to be heard and taken seriously her work, something that we have all noticed more or less in the context of our daily lives; its workplace. That is why we have to ask ourselves today in Western societies, is it enough that women are now largely employed, mostly as teachers, nurseries or secretaries? Would it be more legitimate to see women escape certain restrictive standards, which undoubtedly exist with their impact, and to strengthen her involvement in health sciences, natural sciences, computer science, sport?
Alongside all these reasons, it is now a fact that significant rates of gender-based violence are maintained in both more and less affluent societies, since the causes of this remain linked to psychological factors and human instincts. That is why the United Nations has set the achievement of racial equality around the world as the 5th objective of sustainable development.. Such a vision should be the primary concern and objective of any modern society, which aspires to serve and protect the value of man as such and to promote the cooperation and well-being of the sexes, peoples, peoples.
** The statistics come from Wikipedia,the un women’s UN Women official Instagrampage, the official UNESCO website UNESCO ( unesco. org/en/topic/out-school-children-and-youth) and the BBC News website ( bbc. com/news/science-environment-49552812).
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