
Fundacja Autokreacja
The Autokreacja Foundation aims at fostering the active participation in civil society through various initiatives in the field of social economy. We contribute to the civilizational, cultural and economic development of Poland. We want to put the spotlight on problems of diverse social groups that are often marginalized, that is why we focus on cooperation with persons from underprivileged regions, unemployed, elderly people, immigrants.

MVI is a network of 37 European NGOs (one per Country and with members in each of 27 Countries of EU), 8 associate organizations from Africa (Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal and Uganda), Latin America (Argentina and Peru) and Asia (India and China) aimed at promoting participatory planning between NGOs fostering the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of European design.

Cyprus Organization for Sustainable Education and Active Learning (SEAL Cyprus)
SEAL CYPRUS is a non-profit organisation based in Nicosia, the ethnically divided capital of Cyprus. With our work, we try to overcome the results of the urban division, and our members are from both ethnic groups. The aims are providing educational opportunities to young people and youth professionals (youth workers & youth trainers) to improve the level of key competences and skills and to boost employability. To advocate the recognition of non-formal education, lifelong learning and youth work.

Aregai Tierre di benesere Associazione Culturalet
AREGAI is an Italian no profit association promoting activities and projects to help members of the association to improve and innovate without waste resources, making good use of all talents and knowledge in the value chain. Our members are people, professionals, entrepreneurs, public and private organizations willing to use more participatory approach to their work and pursue sustainability through concrete actions and behaviours, for the benefit of the whole community.

The Nest Social Cooperative Enterprise
The Nest Integration is the Hellenic Centre on Social Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation. The legal entity is a non-profit Work Integration of Special Needs People Social Cooperative founded in 2014. Shareholder mix: 60% registered asylum-seeking refugees and 30% unemployed Greek designers and professionals from the fashion industry. Its Vision is to create socially innovative business models that achieve work inclusion of excluded groups through transformational engagement, empowerment and mobilization of their talents.
Instagram: #soffagr @soffa_gr

West Lothian Chamber of Commerce Limited
WLCOC, established in 1997, is a growing organisation that represents a large range of usinesses with bases, headquarters or branches in West Lothian, Scotland. This gives us quite a voice – one that can aim to influence future legislation affecting our local economy, as well as working together to achieve the best conditions to make West Lothian a thriving centre of business. As one of the representatives of private business in the West Lothian Economic Partnership, we work with other partners to promote the interests of West Lothian.