Young Female Entrepreneur Programme

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Young Female Entrepreneur Programme

Young women participating in the personal development process will receive specific and tailored support by different mentors that will guide them in their choices, ensuring also continued external support by the most appropriate local agents (such as training providers, social services, potential employers, investors, sponsors…), and their families above all the others. This will ensure sustainability in the proposed action and longer impact and benefit for the whole community.

What are we going to do

Young Female Entrepreneur Programme


The challenges that women identify in starting a business include discouraging social / cultural attitudes, lower levels of entrepreneurship skills, smaller and less effective entrepreneurial networks and policy frameworks that discourage women’s entrepreneurship. Instruments traditionally used to address these barriers (training and grants) have oftentimes had limited success and need to be better calibrated to the target group’s needs.


The YFEP approach aims at offering young women with the motivation to start a business (alone or with others) an all-in-one program (online contents and tools, workshops, group activities, multi-mentor support) in enlarging their knowledge on entrepreneurship, sustainable management, improve attitudes and foster skills needed to initiate and manage an enterprise, and most of all, empower them with the support of a multi-mentor program


The inspiration for the Young Female Entrepreneur Programme is the ongoing Europena Union challenge of enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit of young women, increasing business creation rates and providing alternative pathways of employability and, most of all, young women’s personal fulfilment.

Young People

Young people around the world are at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report for 2015 finds that young people aged 18–34 display the highest rates of entrepreneurial intention, and those aged 25–34 display the highest rates of start-up activity. Younger entrepreneurs are often constrained by lack of access to resources, including financial resources, and legal and customary difficulties with ownership and rights.


The multi-mentors program is added because different expertise and insights from multiple sources are essential to bring out a more comprehensive support and possibility for personal and professional improvement. Involve 25 mentors among the partners’ wide number of contacts to improve the proposed multi-mentor program and ensure adequate support during the


The inspiration for the YFEP project is the ongoing EU challenge of enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit of young women, increasing business creation rates and providing alternative pathways of employability and, most of all, young women’s personal fulfilment.

kick off meeting

Warsaw, Poland. 7-8 November.

The purpose of a project kickoff meeting was to introduce the team, understand the project background, understand what success looks like, understand what needs to be done, and agree on how to work together effectively. 


Statistics also points out that YOUNG WOMEN ARE MORE VULNERABLE to economic and social risks such as an unemployment than young men. 24.3% of women are not involved in any kind of education, employment, or training (NEETs), compared to 15.3% of men in the same age group (Eurostat 2016). In the EU, women make up 88 % of young people who are not in employment, education or training FOR FAMILY REASONS.


Young Female Entrepreneurs Program

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Submission Number: 2019-2-PL01-KA205-066107